Witnessing this group of best friends, along with new recruits, put themselves in harm's way for our entertainment goes down as one of the best cinematic experiences of the year so far. There were laughs aplenty and a ton of wincing as Johnny Knoxville saw to it the audience were kept entertained with enough zany stunts and pranks to keep the Jackass flag flying. 

The film's release on digital and physical media brings with it sixteen unseen stunts and pranks that vary in entertainment factor and pain thresholds. Here's a rundown of what to expect and whether they deserved a place in the final film. 

Tarantula Bite - Fears are faced as Poopies lets an insanely big tarantula walk across his body and face, escalated further by Wee Man letting the spider sink its fangs right into his ass. It's a decent skit, the spider bite really causing a wince, but it doesn't match up to other moments of self torture in the film.

Face Your Rear - Danger Ehren really drew the short straw for this film didn't he? Face first into Zach's bare ass is enough to make me sick thinking about it so it did its job. 

Dark Shark & the Bear - Just like the moment with Danger Ehren in the film, this is easily the scariest of all the pranks in the unseen footage. I know the bear is trained but bloody hell it'd be absolutely terrifying to be alone in a room with it if you weren't expecting it. 

Fire in the Hole - Now, the men of Jackass have always been obsessed with self-mutilation, particularly when it comes to the genitalia, and this is genuinely one of the most horrific ideas they've ever thought of. Chris Pontius having hot sauce poured into his penis is downright insane and I'm sure it was left out of the film as it's one that'd be easy to recreate at home. Others inhaling the sauce through their nose takes the edge off a bit but I'm sure Pontius was feeling that a lot more than he was letting on. 

Broke Zach Mountain - Classic stunt we've seen several times before but nothing of note really happens so easy to see why it never made the film. 

Virtual Reality - A funny prank involving a VR headset and paint played on some of the new recruits. It proves the one problem I had with them in the film and that's that they don't react as good to pranks and that no one does it as good as the old guard. 

Plug & Arrow - Another funny idea similar to things we've seen before just not really successful so again easy to see why it got left out.

The Breakaway - A real shame this prank never really works because ones like this, with such a simple set up, have the potential to be classics.

Soccer Ball Surprise - I mean, someone being hit in the face by a football will never not be funny. The hit on Steve-O was already in the film but it just reaffirms that no one sells these pranks as well as the old guard.

Poopies Only Wipes Twice - Dude, just wipe your ass!

Fire Extinguisher - Just Danger Ehren being the butt of even more jokes with a prank that does exactly what it says on the tin.

Wee Man Throws Zach Under a Bus - Bit of banter between old and new in deciding who gets stung by a hornet but ultimately not missed from the final film.

Toilet Geyser - Dave England could literally shit anywhere! The man is just gross!

Telephone Pole (Susan, Millie and A.D.) - Considering what happens during this stunt, the reactions from the intended targets are all rather subdued sadly.


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